Posts Tagged ‘iraq’


Labour MP calls bikers “Orphan and Widow makers”

March 31, 2010

Labour Mp for Huddersfield “Barry Sheerman” decided in his infinite wisdom that he is “qualified” to make fatuous statements about motorcyclists, so I felt the need to reply….

Dear Sir,

I was today made aware of your comments regarding motorcyclists. Describing them as widow makers and orphan makers. Could you please inform me where in your socialist dogma training pamphlet did you acquire the qualifications to make such rude, absurd and fatuous statements? Also could you tell me why it is, that you would not dare make such a comment towards a racial minority or ethnic group, yet you feel that your position allows you to insult people because of their mode of transport. Perhaps if you and your lacklustre party concentrated on running the country correctly and left knee jerk politics alone, a lot more members of the public would not be in the position where the only form of “get to work transport” they can afford is a motorcycle or scooter. Perhaps if your esteemed leader had not squandered the countries gold reserves, by selling them at a knock down price, you and your colleagues would not have led us into financial ruin. Perhaps if you and your colleagues had not “raped” the expenses system to feather your nests and gold plate your troughs, the public at large would hold you in some respect. Perhaps if your previous war criminal leader Blair and his replacement Stooge Brown had not taken us into an illegal war, followed by an occupation of a non sovereign country with no defined purpose except to let the blood of our troops spill on Afghan soil, you would hold some moral high ground from which to preach to motorcyclists about their choice of transport.
Well guess what, unlike Pontias Pilate, you and your war criminal colleagues are not going to wash their hands of the blood of our troops, you and your fellow Labour MP’s have the death of every British Soldier fairly and squarely in your hands. So please cease to be a hypocrite and consider the widows and orphans that you are personally responsible for! At least if I die riding a motorcycle, I do it because I enjoy motorcycling and to ride one is my free choice and I accept the risks involved and unlike our troops, no one orders me what to do.

Yours sincereley

Ian Robert Woolger